{{/* This file is interpreted as a template by serverutil/frontend/download.go. */}} Upspin Documentation: https://upspin.io/ Upspin is an experimental project to build a framework for naming and sharing files and other data securely, uniformly, and globally: a global name system of sorts. It is not a file system, but a set of protocols and reference implementations that can be used to join things like file systems and other storage services to the name space. Performance is not a primary goal. Uniformity and security are. Tools included in this archive: upspin The upspin command provides utilities for creating and administering Upspin files, users, and servers. https://godoc.org/upspin.io/cmd/upspin upspin-ui The upspin-ui command presents a web interface to the Upspin name space, and also provides a facility to sign up an Upspin user and deploy an upspinserver to Google Cloud Platform. https://godoc.org/augie.upspin.io/cmd/upspin-ui cacheserver The cacheserver command implements a directory and storage cache for Upspin. https://godoc.org/upspin.io/cmd/cacheserver upspinfs (Linux and macOS only) The upspinfs command is a FUSE interface for Upspin. https://godoc.org/upspin.io/cmd/upspinfs upspin-audit Audit provides subcommands for auditing storage consumption. https://godoc.org/upspin.io/cmd/upspin-audit These binaries were built for {{.OSArch}} at{{range .Commits}} {{.Repo}}/{{.ShortHash}}{{end}}.